Pintura de Ana Júlia, 2004
Like us, the sea is ever-changing. And, like us, the earth's vast oceans appear at a distance to be stable and homogenous. But beneath the mask of solidity that both we and the sea wear, there lies unpredictability, sensitivity, and power. There is much we can learn from the ocean, representative as it is of our inner landscapes. The rough sounds of the sea's waves are spiritually soothing, and its salt can purify our physical selves. Yet not everyone has the luxury of living by the shore or even visiting the coastlines where water and land meet.
The ocean, however, exists in our conscious minds, put there by images we have seen and descriptions we have read. Wherever we are, we can access that mental image and use it as the starting point from which we can help to heal our emotions by meditating on the sea.
(to be cont. ...)
by DalyOm
no torpor do azul
a leveza de um serafim
tortura a lembrança
ela navega ela flutua
rema pelas margens da estrela
qual escrava à sombra do destino
cega da matéria viva
a alma arranha o despenhadeiro
e salta sobre o porto,
quiçá aqui em terra-chão e mar
a líquida fala do adeus
Snow owl
beijinho, amiga
Que o adeus seja o retorno ao Oceano,
de onde me escapei
para resgatar a Sobra do marinheiro que me encantou ...
Quiça ...
quiçá, querida
a carne iluminada de um vendaval
arraste os corpos nus de toda angústia
lançando-os nas teias plácidas da estrela
snow owl
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